This week while many of you are off enjoying a week off I'm finally getting this blog up and running.
I'm very excited to be able to share with all of you the fun that we have each day. Our days are filled with many activities that help the children learn without them even knowing it. Very rarely do we just sit and do "school" work. We do have circle time where we sing and learn "The Days of the Week", "Months of the Year", practice the Pledge of Allegiance, ABC's, numbers, and various nursery rhymes. But most of our day is spent learning through hands on active play.
Recently we have loved playing hide-n-seek with our shape and color cards. After finding them all we match them to the clothes pin with the same shape and color. I've started adding letters to our everyday activities. We play memory with the upper and lower case, hide-n-seek, match them to the clothes pin, and we practice sounding each letter out as we find it.
Play-doh is a daily learning tool. We roll it, build with it, form it into letters, and shapes. We use lacing cards, put together puzzles, and read a lot of books. Lego's, blocks, cars, animals, and kitchen toys are play centers that we use for many creations.
I try to focus on a weekly theme and try to build it around what the children are interested in. For example, if we read a book about animals and it's something that they really enjoy then we will learn more about them. We will build a zoo with our blocks, set up our plastic animals, and role play. We might set up Diego's house and mountain for all of the animals to enjoy.
I will be adding pictures weekly and updates weekly. I hope you enjoy.