We are getting pretty excited around here about Christmas. We've been singing and dancing to many Christmas songs. Our favorite is "Santa Claus is Coming to Town". The Christmas tree has been a great resource for learning this week. We have talked about patterns as we look at the lights and created our own patterns using color cards. We have been having circle time by the tree instead of in the playroom, and they are really enjoying reading all of our books under the tree.
Some of the books we have read are "Stories of Santa...Up on the Housetop", "Once There was a Christmas Tree", and "Rudolph". Of course anything that comes on a commercial on TV they all say "I want that. I want that." It wakes them up first thing in the morning and they get so excited.
The weather is so cold so we haven't been able to get out much, but yesterday we did get all bundled up and head out for about 10 minutes just to run out our energy. We then came in and had hot chocolate and enjoyed our books under the tree. They are agreed it was too cold to play outside.
Things we continue to work on...
*dressing ourselves after going potty
*independently washing our hands
*cleaning up our toys (although they are not making into the right bins they are all working together to try and put everything away)
*clean up after we eat and wash off their place at the table
*throwing our own trash away and putting dishes in the sink
*taking turns with toys
*playing the memory card game
*ABC's and numbers to 10
*putting on our socks and shoes
*color cards and working on our names
Here are a few pictures from before it got so cold...
Fun dancing and a litte Ring Around the Rosie
Practicing our balance
Our names in sidewalk chalk