We've been working a lot on tracing. I made the kids sheets with different types of lines to trace and we're getting pretty good. After we trace now we are working on cutting with scissors. They love cutting the paper and anything in magazines. I've also been saving coupon fliers and junk mail...they love cutting these! Chase has taught them to collect all their coupon clippings and they now take them "shopping" with them to Publix and Target. So funny to listen to them role play.
We've made telescopes and gone "sailing" on a hunt for pirates. We rowed our boat w/ wooden spoons and had many eyes on the lookout. And of course lots and lots of outside time when it's not raining. Sack races, hopping, flying like birds and airplanes, learning to walk and run backwards...always a competition and celebrating everyone winning!
Hope you enjoy the pictures!
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