Monday, May 16, 2011

Cleaning, birthday, and preview time

Waiting for an afternoon storm...and an apparent monkey that they see daily. Yes the kids tell me everyday about the monkey in the backyard.

L and C looking at the worms after a quick rain storm

It's not always fun and games...

Sometimes Ms. Danielle makes us clean too...

Or we just line up the toys and have a "car wash"...

C celebrated his 3rd birthday...

And we all loved our hats, balloons, and cupcakes...

And we have started previewing next year's new curriculum...

We have new books on CD...

New sets of flash cards...opposites, objects, placement, pronouns, and feelings

And I got a new Hooked on Phonics age 3/4...

Next year is sure to bring lots of new learning with a lot more focus on letters, sounds, and numbers.

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