Everyone has settled in nicely. We've only had a few melt downs, but for the most part everyone has fallen back into routine very nicely. We are working a lot on sharing, waiting our turn, following directions, and being good listeners. Today I started a sticker chart and we will continue w/ this possibly earning small prizes on Fridays. (If you would like to donate to our treasure box that would be very appreciative.)
We LOVE our new supplies that have been donated. The kids are really loving having their own box w/ their name on it and all of their own supplies. They smile and get excited everytime I have said "Go get our box. It's time for school." They are so eager to learn and see what we are about to do. If anyone else has children/parenting magazines that you are finished w/ we would love them. The kids love learning to cut out pictures of things they like.
This weekend I will work on getting our lessons posted for the month of August. Have a great weekend and thank you for sharing your children with me!
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